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Since it was established in 1984 as a federally funded research and development center sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense, the SEI has delivered innovative methods, tools, algorithms, and frameworks to meet current software and cybersecurity needs and provide a foundation for combating future ones.

In our role as a research leader, the SEI often produces technical work that bears fruit years later. For example, our pioneering work in software architecture led to the accepted understanding today that architecture determines the quality and longevity of a software system. And SEI experts closed gaps in network data collection and analysis by developing a suite of cybersecurity tools and a system that now provides traffic monitoring and protection throughout federal networks.

The stories below offer snapshots of the culture of innovation at the SEI as our researchers and engineers have investigated the nation's toughest problems in software and cybersecurity over the years.

You can also read these stories in the 2016 book History of Innovation at the SEI.


DevSecOps Platform-Independent Model

The SEI created this first-of-its-kind model to help organizations in highly regulated environments implement DevSecOps securely using a model-based systems engineering approach.

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SCAIFE: Secure Code Analysis for Continuous Integration

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Crucible and GHOSTS: Enabling Realistic Cyber Simulations

The SEI released Crucible and GHOSTS, tools that help cyber simulation developers create simulated virtual environments and non-player characters (NPCs).

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Foundry: A Training Asset Management Portal

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Defining the Practice of Managing Technical Debt: From Research to Community

For a decade, the SEI has been at the forefront of shaping a definition of technical debt, forming and executing a research agenda applicable to government and industry, and cultivating a community of practice.

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Helping Analysts Automate Reverse Engineering

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Automating the Repair of Software Flaws

In 2017, CERT researchers developed tools to automatically detect and repair two common software-coding errors: integer overflows that lead to buffer overflow and reads of stale and potentially sensitive memory.

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Contributing to Developing and Implementing the DoD Vulnerability Discovery Program

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Enhancing Computing Power at the Edge

KD-Cloudlet, a tool for implementing tactical cloudlets, springs from years of research on cloud computing at the tactical edge. The SEI makes this tool freely available as part of its transition mission.

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Creating a New Language to Verify Complex Systems

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Integrating Early to Prevent Costly Problems

This research developed the SAE Architecture Analysis and Design Language standard in 2004, which was chosen for an aerospace initiative in 2008 and used to detect potential integration issues in the Joint Multi-Role helicopter program in 2015.

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Taming Uncertainty in Software Cost Estimation

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Enabling a Stronger Cyber Workforce

For more than 15 years, the SEI has been investing in developing platforms and courseware for DoD and government cyber warrior readiness.

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Attacking Software Vulnerabilities

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Building Capability to Defend Against Malware

To analyze malware, the SEI's CERT researchers have developed a suite of tools based on a framework called Pharos, which is built on top of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's ROSE compiler infrastructure.

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Assessing Cyber Risk Readiness

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Certifying the Software Architect Role

In 2009, the U.S. Army mandated that all PEOs appoint a chief software architect who had earned the Software Architecture Professional Certificate from the SEI (or equivalent).

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Augmenting T&E with Assurance

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Codifying Resilience Practice

After the 9/11 terror attacks, organizations sought greater operational resilience through security and business continuity. The SEI developed the CERT Resilience Management Model to improve operational resilience.

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Strengthening Network Traffic Analysis

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Leading the Growth of an Architectural Modeling Standard

From its focus on research in architectural modeling and analysis for safety- and mission-critical systems, the SEI became the technical lead for the SAE Architecture Analysis and Design Language standard.

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Defining Non-Functional System Qualities

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Standardizing More Secure Software

Since forming its Secure Coding Initiative in 2003, the SEI's CERT Division has analyzed and cataloged thousands of software vulnerabilities and discovered that many share the same coding errors.

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Tailoring Risk Management Practice

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Setting a Foundation for Software Architecture

The SEI's Simplex Architecture supports overall safety when a system is composed of components that vary in reliability and safety.

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Changing Software Contractor Selection Criteria

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Bringing Science to Insider Threat Mitigation

For nearly two decades, the SEI's CERT Division has focused on gathering and analyzing data about actual malicious insider acts and potential threats to U.S. critical infrastructures.

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Enabling Large-Scale Network Flow Analysis

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Evaluating System Architecture

To address the need to predict problems before a system has been built, the SEI pioneered the use of scenario-based methods to evaluate software architectures for modifiability and other qualities.

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Meeting Real-Time Scheduling Needs

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Transforming Software Quality Assessment

The SEI's publication of the Software Capability Maturity Model in 1991 provided an objective standard for software development and changed the view in government and industry about software quality.

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Establishing a Basis for Software Reuse

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Building the Master of Software Engineering Curriculum

During the early years of curriculum development in software engineering, the SEI held a workshop for leading software engineering educators to design a recommended curriculum for a software engineering degree.

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Pointing the Way Toward a Software Architecture Discipline

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Fostering Growth in Professional Cyber Incident Management

The Morris Worm disrupted the nascent Internet in 1988. In its aftermath, DARPA requested that the SEI create a computer emergency response team, and the CERT Coordination Center (CERT/CC) was born.

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