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2024 Research Review

Explainable Verification for Rapid Certification

Deploying critical software with certification and frequent updates is a major challenge. Exhaustive testing of safety-critical systems is not possible due to the exponential growth of test cases; extensive but non-exhaustive testing is potentially unsafe; and while formal methods (FM) can provide full coverage, many FM tools have been found to be defective, producing the wrong output and leaving software practitioners understandably hesitant to trust FM tools.

Qualifying FM tools can be expensive. However, with XM techniques, FM tools can be used without tool qualification and still align to standards.

Bjorn Andersson
Principal Researcher
Bjorn Andersson

The objective of this one-year project was to develop explanation methods (XM) as add-on tools to FM, producing explanations for why an FM tool deemed certain claims to be true. This will improve the use of formal methods and the adoption of FM tools to simultaneously achieve safety and reduce time to fielding. Certification is a very large part of the cost and schedule of many engineering projects, and it hampers our ability to develop new systems to respond to new threats. Explanations help ease the certification process because FM can reduce the need for extensive (costly and time consuming) testing and explanations can make it possible for software practitioners to trust FM tools.

As part of this project, we surveyed the state of the art on explainability to generate ideas, developed XM and an add-on tool for schedulability test where it outputs “no” or “yes,” and evaluated these solutions. We focused on software verification techniques and making them explainable; so rather than simply outputting a Boolean (safe/unsafe) based on input (a model), the tool included an explanation of how the output was produced based on this particular input.

Qualifying FM tools can be expensive. However, with XM techniques, FM tools can be used without tool qualification and still align to standards. In the future, these techniques can be used to increase the speed and reduce the cost of software development.

Figure 1: The Role of Explanation in Certification

In Context

This FY2024 project

  • is a collaborative effort with the U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Center
  • leverages SEI expertise and experience in safety-critical systems and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS )
  • aligns with the SEI objective to modernize software engineering and acquisition, specifically to shift engineering and development left
  • aligns with the National Agenda of Software Engineering and the ASERT workshop, which emphasize “Assuring Continuously Evolving Software Systems Research Focus Area,” assurance cases, and making the underlying verification techniques and arguments more user-friendly
  • aligns with the National Defense Strategy emphasis on safety, test, and evaluation, and the importance of reducing time to field, and the OUSD(R&E) critical technology priority on advanced computing and software and emphasis on rapid upgrades